
Living in the day and age of the old filter on a photo is something I can honestly feel happy about. Is anything ever really as it seems anymore? Have we become so worried about looking “pretty” that we have forgotten that pretty strong, pretty tough and pretty skilful mean way more than being physically […]

Find that space not to have to grasp

And so I move on in my world. My next chapter will come. Together with my son and I we will make this life time a great adventure together. Why do you say? Because he will have a happy Mum. The Mum that disappeared as she clawed and grasped at a relationship that drained every […]

Transparent baskets

Wouldn’t it be something to see what everyone was carrying in their basket of life? Or not. Maybe that’s why we all have such thick skin and hide away our darkest days.  A benefit is being able to talk straight away about whatever is going on in your life. As the world would be able […]

Observations of a Mum on a train…

So here I am, expected to be sound minded and interviewing for a job. Who on gods earth thinks interviewing a mother in the haze of maternity leave thinks this task is doable or even legal?  But in my self moto “get up, turn up and be counted”. I was counted and my excuse for […]

My moments

I can honestly say i didn’t enjoy moments to myself enough before child. I also didn’t sleep in enough, exercise hard enough or sit in silence enough. I didn’t sit with my hot cup of whatever enough.  However moments with my other friend Mum’s are my new enough. They understand how holding ones beautiful offspring […]

If the shoe fits

While I was quite pregnant I started (and very like me never finished), a book about healing and your journey on this earth. It spoke about why someone experiences certain challenges or events. For me much of my married life has been a roller coaster of challenges. In my married life the celebrations have been […]

Comfortable Friday 

Well if last Friday was good Friday, today is comfortable Friday. I am totally Mumming it today. With a baby that wishes to be held all the time I have my hands full. The body take overs for Mothers begins in pregnancy, what the world forget to mention is you will never be here for […]

That coffee Mum

Shout out to the other Mum’s who are getting out and about with their little ones. Before child, if I were going for a walk with my friends I would be up 10 minutes before the walk to throw on clothes, brush my teeth and fill my water bottle. After child I’m up at least […]